How do you Feel About Being Called "Plus Size"?

Outlines of the Article:

1. Introduction

2. The Term "Plus Size": Understanding its Origins and Usage

3. Personal Reactions and Experiences with Being Called Plus Size

4. How Does Society's Perception of Plus Size Impact Us?

5. Advocating for Body Positivity and Inclusivity in the Fashion Industry

6. Conclusion





Being called "plus size" is a label that has sparked a lot of controversy and discussion in recent years. Some people embrace it to celebrate their bodies and challenge societal beauty standards. In contrast, others find it offensive and prefer alternative terms such as "curvy" or "full-figured." But how do individuals who identify as plus size feel about this term? In this blog post, we will explore the complex emotions and opinions surrounding the "plus size" label and its impact on those labelled as such.


The Term "Plus Size": Understanding its Origins and Usage


In the recent century, the term "plus size; has been trendy. People mostly find it an offensive term that means being "full-figured" or oversized. However, it's not the whole story; some take it to celebrate the body. They are happy with their figure and find it pleasant to show the figure. We need to understand its meaning to truly appreciate the term.

The meaning of "plus size" can change depending on the situation. It is frequently used as a descriptor for clothing sizes above a particular range in the fashion industry. On the other hand, it can be used to characterize someone's body size in informal talks. Because of the general notion in society that being "plus size" corresponds to being overweight or unhealthy, this usage can frequently be seen negatively. People who identify as plus-size may experience low self-esteem and feelings of shame as a result of this stigma.


Personal Reactions and Experiences with Being Called Plus Size


For some individuals, being called plus-size is a way to embrace and celebrate their bodies. They see it as challenging societal beauty standards and promoting body positivity. These individuals feel empowered by the term, finding comfort and pride in their size and how they carry themselves. They use the label to connect with others who share similar experiences and find belonging in the plus-size community.

However, only some feel this way. Some individuals find being called plus size to be offensive and hurtful. They may have discrimination, bullying, and hayseed due to being oversized. This has caused them to internalize the concept. There is an unwanted pressure on us to internalize and promote the idea through our words or actions. Being called plus size can serve as a reminder of the negative perceptions society holds toward their bodies.

Cultural and familial attitudes toward body image can also influence personal experiences with being called plus size. Some individuals may have grown up in environments where being larger is celebrated, while others may have faced criticism or pressure to conform to a specific body type. These experiences can shape their reactions to the label and affect their self-perception.

It is essential to recognize that each individual's feelings about being called plus size are valid and unique to their experiences. Whether it is a source of empowerment or insecurity, everyone deserves to feel comfortable and accepted in their skin. Challenging societal beauty standards and promoting body diversity and inclusivity is crucial.


How Does Society's Perception of Plus Size Impact Us?


The most embarrassing movement for us is the fatphobia and perspective of body shaming we have in our society. The slim, thin figure is always idealized to be on the standards. Those who do not own such an ideal figure are often alienated and made to feel less. They feel embarrassed and face discrimination in various domains, such as employment or social interaction.

You may lose your confidence or self-esteem due to constant societal pressure. It can cause mental health issues such as anxiety or depression when you can't cope with the related topics.

Society's perception of plus size also affects access to fashion and clothing options. While there has been progress in recent years with more brands expanding their size ranges, there still needs to be more inclusivity in the fashion industry. Many clothing stores and designers cater primarily to smaller sizes, leaving plus-size individuals with limited options that are often less trendy. This exclusion from the fashion world further reinforces the idea that their bodies are not valued or deserving of stylish clothing, further damaging their self-esteem and sense of belonging.


Advocating for Body Positivity and Inclusivity in the Fashion Industry


In a world where narrow definitions have dictated beauty standards for far too long, advocating for body positivity and inclusivity in the fashion industry is crucial. Plus-size individuals deserve to feel celebrated, seen, and valued. Here are some essential steps that can be taken to make the fashion industry more inclusive for all body types.

First, brands must expand size ranges and offer diverse options for plus-size individuals. The fashion industry has progressed recently, with more designers and retailers introducing extended size ranges. But there is still a lot of work to do. Brands need to offer options for plus-size clothing. Because when a plus size wants to look stylish, they end up with few opton. It highlights that there are only a few clothes for plus size. No one should be limited by their body size when expressing their style.

Representation matters. It's time for the fashion industry to step up and feature more diverse body types in their advertising campaigns and runway shows. Plus-size models and influencers are crucial in challenging societal beauty standards and showcasing the beauty of all body sizes. By embracing body diversity, brands can convey that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

In addition to representation, the fashion industry must foster a culture of body positivity. This means promoting self-love, acceptance, and inclusivity in all aspects of the industry. Designers and brands should actively work to challenge harmful stereotypes and stigmas surrounding plus-size bodies. This can be done through inclusive marketing campaigns, collaborations with plus-size influencers and activists, and the use of diverse body types in fashion editorials.

Education and awareness are also crucial. The workplace must understand that what they say significantly impacts the person's mental health. If you say bad words, it will affect him and his productivity. There should be training workshops to raise awareness so people can understand what they should do about these sensitive issues.

However, it is up to the person, too. We need to emphasize the body-positive brands. In other words, we should be a helping hand to them so that by promoting them, we can encourage a healthy environment in society. As a result, we can shape a future full of peace. There will be less space for hatred and more for love and peace. In conclusion, advocating for body positivity and inclusivity in the fashion industry ensures plus-size individuals feel valued and represented.




In conclusion, the label "plus size" has sparked controversy and emotions among individuals who identify as such. While some embrace it as a way to celebrate their bodies and challenge beauty standards, others find it offensive and hurtful. The impact of being called plus size depends on societal perceptions and treatment. Advocating for body positivity and inclusivity in the fashion industry is crucial, expanding size ranges, promoting representation, and challenging harmful stereotypes. Doing so can create a more inclusive and accepting society where everyone's body is celebrated and valued.